The Mysterious Gates Of Asteria tells the story of Aira, an unfortunate first year student who barely managed to escape from under her relative's foot. Obsessed with the works of her favorite author, she buys one of the first copies of their latest releases by sacrificing the little money she had.
To her shock and utter disappointment, she discovers that after the first page, the rest is completely blank. Not only that, but a thief sneaks into her shabby apartment and tries to steal her last pack of instant noodles she preciously saved for the next day.
She desperately fights him, like a hungry lion, or rather a cat, protecting its hard-earned food, but she ends up falling from the balcony.
When she wakes up, she realizes she had transmigrated into the body of an abused young girl in a fantasy world.
Determined to escape the new abusive family, she runs away from home in search for a root that would awaken her power, which would allow her to become a mage and earn a noble title, and money.
Join Aira in her journey while she fights not only creatures of the dark, but also the corrupted, greedy nobles who treat magic as a tool to gain more power and riches.